Monthly Archives: September 2007

Joy? the Hoochie mama at the front room is moving?  I think she is moving in with the bf?  This place is too small for a couple definitely.  Dam, the bitch is filthy but people like her.  SHe is a chatty bitch like the land lady who yell and scream with no warning.  Landlady going on a trip on the 24th.  But the Hoochie is leasing her room to her friend. God I think she is younger then her. I have seen the hoochie’s friend they are a Paris Hilton clone.  The bathroom is a mess with her hair all over and I suspect her grooming products.  I think I can do laundry in house now, I didn’t hear any complain. If she evre even mention anything I will point out that she does laundry everyday and that waste more water then me doing it once or every 2 weeks.  I think is the rat that scares hoochie away. The Hoochie actually act so scare of it. I am scare of her because she is so dirty walking around in her street shoes in the kitchen and bathroom.  Well, she never get caught doing it and she is lucky that way.  HEr parents has a resturant so why she needs to stay here? She and I never will get along because she is a cell sales girl.  She talks a mile a min and gives me a headache just hearing her talk nonsense. Landlady is as nosy as it comes too.  So fake and handbag crazy.  This week is her last week!!!!!

I planted strawberries.  Ahhhhhh, they look so sweet just the way they are.  Next yr will be great if I get compost.

LM calling me all day long but I just don’t pick up the phone.  I was in the morning.  It is nice to be in at your own place and the girl at the front room hasn’t got up yet. The lady went out shopping and there was only the son in the room, computer nerd.  If the bathroom wasn’t so god dirty this is not a bad deal. The pot plants love it here. IF there is more of a yard then it is just dandy.  SUrprisingly my community plot is doing OK no vandal or damage yet.  Maybe the thud is as good as a hand shake.  I go by street law. Jerry’s been springling Osomcote on my plants.  Dahlia love the place although no blooms, but the leaves are healthier and gain some height.  Free water, I can water them more then I could have done on my own yard.  The mustard seems to grow in front of your eyes when you springle them and they just grow in a min.  I wish I can be there in the evening when I have more time.  Daylight savings time will come soon and I have much less gardening time.  If I see Rudy again, maybe I can presude him to garden also.  He pull out all the weeds from the side of the garden.  He has the potential of being a gardener.  I think he did jail time.  He gave me that vib of someone who did time and swear not to be caugh again.   The bike from the shed is gone.  I think they got the msg.  I am hoping no hard feelings.

When I get my compost from the city, I can just direct sow some seeds.  I like lettece and beans .  I think that is what I will plant.  Next yr, I will follow LM’s foot step in planting Zuchinni.  They grow so fast that seems unreal every week harvesting endless zuchnni full size. 

I went to  C-town to get some chow fun, it hit the spot so good.  BUt portion is small since they switch to the new plastic container.  I am dieing for some wonton noodle soup also maybe next time.I got stuck in traffic for 20 min? but seems like forever.  There were 6 male undy model posting at the Armani store downtown, Wow young and gorgeous boyz in blck undies.  They stop traffic too.  There were girls screaming at the side walk and on the bus.  SO I have to walk back to see what the commotion is. Too bad I have no camera on me.  Jesus!

Coming next week, I will be on my own for a month now.  Pretty much finish shopping except I need a decent chair or something.  But so far i did good.  I am almost fearless, I faced Rudy and all sorts of obsticles.  K the nasty supervisor, has her day some day.  She is the kind I would relish to see in the gutter.  She is trotting on the little poeple like Sandra who is nice.