Dr C looks unhappy for a long time now.  There is something that is bothering her.  I have not seen her so lost.  I know she has man problems like all the singles that I know but that never gets her down too much but this is something serious.  I think more work related then anything else.  I over heard she talks to Dr S and her about a meeting after her morning surgery.  Something about Perio residents sending pt in and without something and of course something goes wrong. All morning she keeps asking me to hook up that O2.  It was hot and 1 pt throws up, you don’t hook up someone while they want to hurl.  It was just so disgusting.  It was mostly blood that she swollow.  We lost her X-rays too.  It was a current one and somehow lost it from the front desk to the chart room. Oh, god. It is incompetence like that I hate,  it is impossible to have things undercontrol.  I know front is a disaster zone.  Jacky is back and I am sorry to say she cause a lot of those disasters.  pt was waiting too and I appologized so many times.  They are pregnant women, old ladies, diabetics wanting to faint.  This man complains at the front desk and then he fainted, we have to use the blue cart.  The man was pushy.  This woman who needs knee surgery was waited even longer and she didn’t get seen problemly 3 hrs after her apt time.   I can only do so much to help them.  Dr C is not helping us.  If she doesn’t do those consults then we may be OK but she wants to proves to main campus that she can earn like the boyz. Last week, when I was with Marj, the pt said she swear she will never come back.

The more I talk to Ch the more I like him.   He calls me everyday. Wow, and we talk for hrs like after midnight and still can’t hang up.  If I am not wrong then I am in love with him and i try very hard not to.

Maybe he was rich once and now have nothing.  He was in managing position, project manager and then director of Nortel. He said he took the job for SF, we’ll see if he really leaves that job that he hates.  Then I’ll see him very often.   Last time at the rose garden was so romantic, like a Ck commercial, it was wonderful with wind in my hair and that is what I want in my life.  He asks again about going to see his Dad in Dallas.  I wonder if all he asks for true. Wait until I meet his folks then I’ll know if he is serious about me.  He asks me where to go for honeymoon, I say Tiajuna. 

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